Caddo Community Action Agency Inc. Home

Caddo Community Agency promotes workable solutions that connect more families to opportunities & resources.

Serving Caddo Parish, Louisiana since 1966. 



Community Centers

Community Programs operates out of 3 locations: Central Office and two Community Centers located throughout Caddo Parish to take applications for various assistance programs that are geared toward meeting the needs of low-income citizens.
Child playing with abacus

Head Start Programs

Our Head Start Program enrolls students all year long. Now is always a good time to start the application process. During the months March through August is the key recruitment period for the upcoming school year.
Interview image

Career Opportunities

Do you enjoy helping others? Helping others is our core mission with an emphasis to help the poor, low-income families and low-income individuals.

Come join our workforce as we continue to serve our community.

CCAA's History

Caddo Community Action Agency, Inc. (CCAA) was established in 1966 under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
The Agency, which is governed by a eighteen (18) member Board of Directors, provides social services to the low income, disadvantaged youth, elderly, and disabled persons throughout Caddo Parish. As a nonprofit organization geared toward aiding the low income, CCAA offers a multiplicity of services to thousands of citizens in Caddo Parish each year.
Caddo Community Action Agency, Inc.
4055 St. Vincent Avenue
Shreveport, Louisiana 71108
Phone: (318) 861-4808
LA Relay 711

Our Mission

It is the mission of the Caddo Community Action Agency, Inc. to stimulate a better focusing of all available local, state, private, and federal resources upon the goal of enabling the poor, the low-income families, and low-income individuals, in rural and urban areas of Caddo Parish, to attain skills, knowledge, and motivations to secure the opportunities needed to achieve self-sufficiency.

Community Assistance Programs

Exterior of a building

Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) Rent/Mortgage

CCAA provides one month rent/mortgage assistance to Caddo Parish residents that are in dire situations. Applicant can only receive assistance once and must have an eviction/default notice and provide plans for self-sufficiency. The assistance will provide one month’s rent/mortgage (principal and interest only) and will not pay for late fees or deposits. Applicant must meet the CSBG Poverty Guideline. For Details or to make an appointment contact CCAA Main Office, (318) 861-4808.
Holding hands

Burial Assistance

CCAA provides burial assistance to families that are the immediate next of kin. The deceased must have resided in Caddo Parish and the applicant cannot have any insurance for the deceased. Make an appointment by contacting CCAA Main Office, (318) 861-4808.
  • 2 Community Centers
  • 11 Head Start Preschool Centers
  • 2 Early Head Start Centers
  • 2,000+ Caddo Parish Households Served Monthly
  • 350+ Employed by Caddo Community Action Agency, Inc

Photo Gallery

Ribbon Cutting
Lake Bethlehem Preschool - Field Day
Family Literacy Night
Ernestine Thompson Hall
Head Start Conference
Outdoor Learning
Helping People,
Changing Lives